More than three decades ago I slipped into the fabric of Asia, concluding a cloistered existence painting the beauty of the California Dream. Retreating from the world of lite beer and dark sunglasses I set sail for Taiwan and total immersion while studying Chinese brush painting and calligraphy with local masters. With a smattering of Mandarin and paintbrushes I began a summer backpacking trip through China, Tibet, Nepal, India and Pakistan that accidentally stretched into a 16-month sojourn. Focusing on imagery I discovered searching out numerous sacred religious sites, my artwork began referencing Buddhist, Hindu and Jain iconography. Joining the work forces of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore over the following decade, I experimented with the Asian Dream while painting and exhibiting across the region. Swimming in the 1992 Barcelona, 1996 Atlanta and 2000 Sydney Paralympic Games and capturing four world records while mining six gold and silver medals nurtured my intimate understanding of blue and green. Completing my Master in Fine Art at the close of the millennium, I began grasping the significance of yellow ochre and the use of red. Through traveling and casting a wide net, I continue pulling in a diverse catch of colors and imagery. I maintain a deep interest in nature and sacred places where re-establishing spiritual communion feeds our souls.
In the deep jungles of Sarawak, I recently stumbled upon a small school. On the gate was the school’s motto: Moving Forward. When in doubt, I believe this motto sums up all we really need to do.