As a boy, Superman was my hero. I had no other role models. Superman was strong and saved the day. He also got the girl. But not everyone can attain this magical status. Though we strive for greatness, we all struggle with the challenges of being human. Our greater selves at times rise to the front until some fear or phobia takes back center stage. Each day we stretch to become a bit better yet it often feels like with one step forward we progress two steps backwards. But we do progress. And we are all Heroes. We all, ‘Save the Day’ and take countless, ‘Leaps of Faith’. In our own ways, we succeed to overcome the forces of Kryptonite and we achieve our potential. We must believe in our mission and see that each day, we are getting closer to ‘Overcoming Demons’ and ‘Winning the Day’. This is what all Heroes do.
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