In Asia, the monsoon rains arrive with vengeance, pummeling the earth and all life on it. Like a fire hose, the water douses everything and there is no escaping it.
Venturing out in these rains has its merits though. Immediately I feel a comradely with fellow travelers who are also moving about dodging massive raindrops. We are suddenly a little tribe all confronted by the same menace. We are connected in our quest to get to our destinations with the least amount of wet clothing or short-circuited hand phones. I feel empathy for all.
I used to think all that our world lacked was a Martian invasion so that countries and individuals would feel this same kind of connection and caring for others. Like the rains, an outside force that wreaks havoc on all of us is a shared enemy. One which could be a perfect excuse to bring us all together.
Covid19 is worse than the heaviest rain or even a Martian attack. So why don’t we feel our brother’s pain and join forces against this enemy? The world rarely gets an opportunity to hate a common foe. Instead of working against others can’t we rally together and push back against this menace since we are all in this together dodging raindrops and viruses.